Monday, May 10, 2010

What if my house sells and I have nowhere to move into?!

What if my house sells, and I have nowhere to move into?

Okay, I hear you. You are worried, and this is a REAL FEAR to you, not a theoretical 'What if' scenario.

I'm writing this post just for the orderly, 'plan and then execute' type people out there. I ought to say that I 'are not one of you!' But don't worry, I've sold 'your' house many times.

Here is how you handle this potentially joyful experience. First, plan what you are going to buy, and get looking for it, and don't do that without a Broker who is fast, smooth, and truly out for your interests first. (Both of these may be harder to do than you think.)

Second, get your Listing Broker to instruct you on what to fix and what price to list for. Listen to him, too! Price yours right and the 'stars will align with you'. I mean this sincerely. You see, in the Universe, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Until you List your house, the Universe will not respond, and I am not kidding!

Next, put in the listing that you want to lease, possibly, after you sell. This expands the potential Buyer pool to include folks who also have some delays.

Lastly, pray for God to help you time all 360 details of the transition to happen well. I'm serious. I've seen Him do it dozens of times.

A final back up plan is to reserve some cash for hotel expenses just in case things don't happen as you would like. (That happened only once, because they didn't listen to the Buyer Broker, when he told them to make an offer 'Today!', or list in the wind, while kicking themselves. They got to live with good, I mean really good friends!)

With a competent Listing Broker, and the humility to admit that owning a house does not make you an expert at buying or selling one, you will turn out alright!

(If you already know everything, and can handle the emotional ride, then ignore this wisdom...and save up extra for that hotel!)

Thanks for reading the Dr Phil of RealEstate!

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